Dassault Falcon Jet Corp. (DFJ) réalise l'aménagement intérieur de tous les Falcon et exerce la responsabilité des ventes et du support pour le continent américain. Nous souhaitons accueillir un Volontaire International en Entreprise (VIE) pour une mission de 18 mois au sein de Dassault Falcon Jet, sur le site de Teterboro (NJ), près de New York.
Under the direction of World Wide Spares Distribution Project manager, the VIE will support the project manager in change management missions as well as project related tasks. The VIE will help support change implementation following the mapping and arbitration of the Who Does What mission. He/she will define the best strategies for implementing change and propose adequate methods to ensure a sustainable implementation. In addition, he/she will be responsible for running ad-hoc data analysis on topics related to the SAP project, they will help organize efficient training sessions and provide support to the Business Process Owners (BPOs) when required. PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES: • Help finalize the mapping of the Who Does What mission • Propose and define strategies to best implement changes • Support changes and define clear methodology to ensure sustainable implementation • Present tools to monitor change impacts • Run data analysis on various topics requested by the project manager : examples. Error reports, sales cockpit monitoring, get well metrics topics etc. • Present efficient training methodology and preferred platforms of communication • Support BPOs when requested